Ogles, Biggs Introduce The ‘Trust But Verify’ Act

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Andy Ogles (TN-05), along with Congressman Andy Biggs (AZ-05), introduced the Trust But Verify Act, which would temporarily suspend the State of Qatar’s status as a Major Non-NATO Ally (MNNA) until the President certifies that it no longer directly supports terrorists (including Hamas).
“Relationships are built on trust. The United States’ relationship with the State of Qatar is no different, and right now, unfortunately, there is reason to fear a breach of trust. As Hamas terrorists continue to wreak havoc on the lives of innocent Israeli civilians, the United States must ensure there is no ally supporting them. Sadly, the State of Qatar is still funding and supporting Hamas as its leadership enjoys political refuge in Doha. Therefore, I have introduced the Trust But Verify Act, which would temporarily suspend Qatar’s Major Non-NATO Ally status until the President certifies that Qatar is no longer directly supporting or funding terrorism.” - Congressman Andy Ogles (TN-05).
"EMET wholeheartedly endorses Representative Ogles’ “Trust but Verify Act.” Qatar is the main funder of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, al-Qaeda, the Al-Nusra front, and other terrorist organizations. As we all know, Hamas waged their sadistically savage war against the citizens of Israel on October 7th, when they butchered and burned babies, raped, murdered or abducted young men and women attending an outdoor music conference, along with the elderly and holocaust survivors. Qatar has played a duplicitous game all along, whitewashing its facilitation of Hamas, which has an annual turnover of one billion dollars, and other terrorist organizations that commit war crimes and crimes against humanity. Hamas, in a distinctly cowardly fashion, hides behind women and children, the hostages, and in schools and hospitals as it inserts itself among civilians fleeing across the Rafa Crossing into Egypt. Meanwhile, it has provided billions of dollars to American think tanks and universities. Qatar has provided safe refuge to the current heads of Hamas, including Ismael Haniyah, Talel al-Hindi, Azzam al-Akrah, and other Hamas chieftains who are sitting on millions and millions of dollars in Doha. All of this as the people of Gaza have been incited to wage a brutal war against the citizens of Israel. Qatar has got to decide that it is either an ally of the United States or one of Hamas. They cannot have it both ways.” - Sarah Stern, President and Founder of Endowment for Middle East Truth.
"The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) strongly commends Rep. Ogles for introducing this bill to hold Qatar accountable for their direct support of the murderous terrorist group Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood Islamist group which butchered over 1400 Israelis including hundreds of children, raped Israeli women and holds more than 200 hostages from October 7, including Americans. Qatar allows Hamas to maintain its political office in Doha, and provides luxury accommodations to senior Hamas leaders, including Khalid Mashaal and Ismail Haniyeh.
"Qatar has a virtually state-owned media operation, Al Jazeera, which is hostile to the United States and Israel, and has supported the terrorist narrative repeatedly in every terrorist attack since 1996. Since the obscene terrorist attack on October 6, Al Jazeera has purposely lied about Israeli military responses to Hamas in Gaza, directly causing rioting against American and Jewish targets throughout the world."
"Rep. Ogles bill to revoke the 'Major Non-NATO Ally' status is an appropriate step to put pressure on the ruling family of Qatar. Minimum standards of decency should be required of all US allies when it comes to relations with terrorist entities." - Morton A Klein, National President for Zionist Organization of America (ZOA).
“CEP strongly supports the Trust But Verify Act. Qatar has long played both arsonist and firefighter, harboring and funding terrorists responsible for the deaths of Americans and Israelis and the captivity of many more. The U.S. must force Qatar to choose between being an American ally or a partner of terrorists. We thank Congressman Ogles for sponsoring this bill and urge Congress to pass it.” - Counter Extremism Project.
“The Biden administration named Qatar a major non-NATO ally to the United States in 2022. However, even while cooperating with the U.S. in some areas, Qatar has failed to live up to this important status. It continues to provide material support to Hamas, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization, and gives safe haven to its leaders. Qatar-funded Al Jazeera fuels disinformation and drives hate toward Israel. No ally of the United States should financially sponsor terrorism, harbor terrorists, or support a media organization that routinely amplifies hateful anti-Israel incitement. FDD Action proudly endorses the Trust But Verify Act, which revokes Qatar’s major non-NATO ally status. If Qatar is committed to its alliance with the United States, it should cease its support of Hamas immediately and extradite this brutal terrorist organization’s leaders, who continue to live comfortably in Doha.” - FDD Action.
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